Welcome to Rising Above
Rising Above is a registered Canadian charity located in Grande Prairie, Alberta. We are known for our Christian-based 6-Month Residential Treatment program, and the Inner Healing support we offer to members of the community as well as clients within our program. Our Residential Treatment program first started in 2007 out of a great need for treatment options in Northern Alberta. We are pleased to offer an all-encompassing program that extends help to anyone who is struggling in a cycle of defeat. This includes, but is not limited to drug and alcohol abuse, patterns of homelessness and criminal activity, gambling and pornography addiction, anger issues, anxiety disorders, shame, low self-esteem, and so on.
Below are some key points on what helps to make our program successful for our clients:
- Holistic
- Christian-based
- Abstinence-based
- Non-institutionalized
- Live-in residence
- Inner Healing Foundation
- Affordable
If you're looking for an affordable treatment program in Northern Alberta, we encourage you to explore the "Residential Treatment" tab to see if Rising Above is the right program for you. Or you can simply click here and you will be redirected to our Residential Treatment page.
Rising Above is excited to announce that our organization is now accredited through the Canadian Accreditation Council. Simply put, accreditation strengthens organizations through policy implementation and incorporating them into day-to-day operations. When organizations operate from strong and sound policies, every level of the organization will reap the benefits.
Accreditation also shows funders that the organization is committed to changing and adapting programs to ensure clients are receiving optimal care. Clients' families and friends can be assured that their loved one is in the good care of an organization that is viable, credible, and accountable.
Click here for more information on the Canadian Accreditation Council.
Provincial License
Rising Above is licensed with the Alberta Government as an addiction treatment centre.
The Mental Health Services Protection Act (MHSPA), Statutes of Alberta, 2018 Chapter M-13.2: This Act provides a foundation to ensure safe, quality addiction and mental health care. The Act also provides authority to license residential addiction treatment facilities and outlines core requirements that must be met.
To view our provincial license, click here.